Ransomware this, ransomware that! The problem is, you can be tired of the subject but that doesn’t mean the threat has gone away! So what are the currently active ransomware groups posting victims?
Well here’s a list of currently active group (Both Ransomware and Marketplaces) names who have ONLINE “DARK WEB” (TOR) hidden services online and who are posting victims or are markets:
- lorenz
- hiveleak
- avoslocker
- vicesociety
- ragnarlocker
- clop
- everest
- babuk
- ransomexx
- cuba
- blacktor
- darkleakmarket
- lolnek
- ech0raix
- quantum
- medusa
- snatch
- mosesstaff
- rransom
- alphv
- dread
- againstthewest
- zeon
- blackbasta
- ransomhouse
- lockbit3
- bluesky
- karakurt
- bianlian
- 0mega
- lockbit3_fs
- daixin
- qilin
- monti
- chilelocker
- royal
- mallox
- projectrelic
- play
- dataleak
- unsafeleak
That’s a 41 different groups committing serious cybercrime in an organized manner who have victim listing sites. This got me thinking, what would a world look like if we removed all ransomare, like Thanos with a click of the fingers, 100% of the crime was gone (ok so Thanos removes 50% but shhh)…
How does the world look like in a POST RANSOMWARE era? Will this ever go away?