Ever stuck in an environment where your internet access isn’t what you want it to be? Ever need to exfilrate data and bypass some DLP? Obviously I’m talking like a pentester (don’t use this if it beaks policies on anohers assets) so this is useful for some scenarios in testing but also in real life!
How to Guide
- Run Putty
- Configure an SSH Session
- OPSEC note, if you save the session it leaves evidence, might sound obvious but you know fingerprints are real!
- Goto SSH > Tunnels and configure as required
- Key point here is to use DYNAMIC for destination and to configure a source PORT e.g., 1337 (TCP)
- Finaly when you are happy with the configuration click Add
- Now connect to the SSH Server
- Reconfigure your browser/system to use the SOCKS5 proxy
- Browse the internet
You can use a service like https://ipinfo.io to check your ip address.
You can also use PLINK!
Remember a SOCKS proxy works with TCP and UDP (works for DNS etc) so you can use them to pivot around networks as well as evade traffic controls (in some instances).